The Journey of Elowal
Welcome to Bait Elowal,
To the home of the first generation's legacy and stories.
You are most welcome, and you belong here.
From the shore to the sea, this place is yours.

Soghat Elowal
The Soghat Elowal invites guests to extend their journey beyond the dining table with ethically sourced, handcrafted pieces, including upcycled and slow fashion designs, some exclusively designed for Bait Elowal, each infused with the love and artistry of traditional makers.
Bites – Small Starters, Boundless Flavors
Saffron & Orange Arborio Rice, Black Tahina (G, D, N)
56 AEDCrispy golden-hued rice paired with a luscious tahina crème.
Crusted Chickpea Croquetas, Sage & Pistachio (G, N, D, E)
56 AEDA crunchy chickpea bite, delicately perfumed with sage and pistachio
Smoked Salmon & Ossetra Caviar Tartlet (G, D, L, F)
70 AEDSilky smoked salmon crowned with pearls of Oscietre caviar.
Cecina de Buey, Black Tea & Brioche (G, D)
40 AEDDarjeeling-cured beef on soft, buttery brioche for the full silk route experience
Before Traveling – To Be Shared with Bread
Borani-e Esfenaj (D, L)
75 AEDPersian sautéed spinach, roasted onions, and tangy spring onions.
Mast-o-Khiar (D, L)
75 AEDA Moroccan-inspired of mint, dried yogurt, and crisp cucumbers.
Zeytoon Parvadeh (N)
85 AEDOlives coated in a pomegranate walnuts, with hints of coriander and garlic.
Tatouka & Herbal Feta Flatbread (G, D, L)
80 AEDMoroccan-style red bell pepper and tomato, served with warm, herb-infused feta flatbread.

Al Kutubkhana
A haven for literature lovers, where storytelling and knowledge come together. Meaning “House of Books”, Kutubkhana is a meticulously curated bookstore offering a diverse selection of Arabic and English literature.related to the Silk Road that inspired the many travels of the Elowal.